Thursday 30 October 2014


That was a rainy day, when I got threw away from that relation. A whole day I was walking in a rain with the pain, what I wanted to wash it away but I don't know how it's managed to stuck with my heart and I've broke all those memories but I don't know how it's managed to reassemble all into my heart. So, every night with same incibus and everyday with the same pain. Uff that pain what to say, I wish it gives me only pain but it makes me feel like running in hell with bleeding heart.
                       I tried to control my heart but every time it's split out from my hands. I've pampered it with my feelings, but didn't worked. So, now I'm trying to pamper it with love of parents, with love of sister , with love of brothers, and with love of friends. Injured Heart with a lot pain, I've just bandaged it. I don't know how it will gonna be.......
Merely tried, some lines for BANDAGED HEART ......,,
Here I go,

However it's went
Whatever has gone
It takes me all with it,
In my heart
All I have is
The pain of past,
I'm feeling infliction 
Somewhere inside.....
Every breath is painful 
To living with bandaged heart.

Whenever it's went
Wherever it's gone
It's blown me all away with it,
In my heart
All I have is
The pain of past,
M feeling anguish 
Still somewhere inside…
Every step is painful
To walking with bandaged heart.

Everyday is painful,
Everything is painful,
To living with bandaged heart.

Monday 27 October 2014


Sisters are God’s way of saying, “I’m there for you, anytime”. And if you happen to have an elder sister, then you are blessed in all means. Sisters are best friends for a lifetime. No matter what and no matter where, they are always with you. Their love is unconditional and no matter what. How much you argue, she stands with you, when you need her the most.

Being elder, in all means is a great responsibility. Elder sisters play many roles to their younger ones. They are models for their siblings, strength to turn to, when you are down, a listening ear, a comforting touch, a warm hug, a guide through the toughest times, a mother, a teacher, a friend, the next door girl and what not. A perfect blend of all in one single package is what elder sisters are.

If one notices, when small she protects you from all harm and takes good care of you. As you grow, that love and care deepens and a special bond is formed. She reads you, before you tell her; you can in no way bluff with her.

She stands with you during the toughest times of your life and fights for you, even though she might be facing a tougher situation herself. She is your best friend, you could confide anything with her, and it is locked forever. She foresees danger for you, she plays with you, she joins you at pranks and jokes, yet she knows where to draw the line for you.

Even if she is not physically with you, her mental strength is always with you. Distance apart, she can sense what you are going through, even if you don’t say anything. A strong and protective person is what a sister is a great friend and companion. A comforter, the empathy that she shows when you are feeling low, and the motivation that she gives you, should be felt and not explained, as there are no words for it to be explained.

A sister could exactly tell when you were bad and good, what is that you were fighting for at childhood. She is a perfect model to be looked upon. Even with so much responsibility, she still keeps calm and has the same old smile and naughty chuckles, pats and thrashing even at 60 or 70 for you. You are still a kid for her, no matter how much you grow.

God made sisters and that too elder sisters, coz he could not be everywhere in person and has replaced it with elder sisters. Such is her strength and presence. When she is around, you are strong and when away, you feel hollow. She may correct you, shout at you , blast at you, but she is your elder sister and she loves you more than her self.

We all grow old for the onlookers, but to our siblings, we are always kids and know that we are always there for one another. The family moments, jokes and togetherness could all be taken forward only by a sister. We should live outside the touch of time and enjoy life with our sisters.

Sisters are blessings, treasure them.
I love you D.......more than you know

Tuesday 30 September 2014


Promises require trust to make. There has to be a certain belief that this person you’re making a promise with will keep it, that this person will respect you enough and your wishes to promise to something.Promises range from keeping a secret to promising someone you will be there for them to promising to take care of them to hold your hand for a life and so many more ways. Most people will commit to promising something but never really think about what it means to actually promise something. And many people don’t keep the promise they make. But I do keep every promise I make because I believe in promises and what they mean to the person I make it with and what it means to me. Because I have experienced the damage of not keeping a promise and it’s not a thing I ever want to experience ......... 

                                                 It's a sensitive,try to keep into a heart
                                                 If you won't try to 
                                                 Make it real
                                                 Somebody will gonna hurt.

                                                 Tell the truth,whatever it is
                                                 Never try to take a safe side
                                                 With standing on a lie,
                                                 If you don't want it to happen
                                                 Don't take a vow
                                                 Once it break it
                                                 It will be gonna hard to
                                                 Believe in the promises.

                                                 Here, I'm 
                                                 It's all I'm 

                                                 Will keep you all above 
                                                 With my feelings
                                                 Can't say
                                                 I'll be a reason for your happiness
                                                 But I'll try
                                                 To never make you feel cry,
                                                 I can make you laugh
                                                 With all my nonsense,
                                                 May time will place us
                                                 On different ways,
                                                 These ways can make us
                                                 Think in different ways
                                                 Even,if you don't think of me
                                                 I'll be missing you always.
                                                 It's THE PROMISE...........
I'LL BE MISSING YOU AS DO THESE DAYS.........................................,..........MISSING YOU. :)

Saturday 27 September 2014


i was so surprised on a same day i reached there to my residence, my dearest beloved one got married. I didn't know why??? she scared to tell about us to her family or whatever....
It was like usual day, with some friends roaming around coming back home late night.
Actually i was ignoring myself and being in front of my Baba. Cause i couldn't make me stand as my Baba wanted me to do. So, again i decided to go somewhere else and i came here.
And you know how you'll feel after getting alone. Rubbish thoughts,dull mind and etc. I wasn't in mood to talk to anybody but i don't know how i sent that HI! to HER and believe me it was the best hi ever i told.

                                                    The best HI ever
                                                    which comes never
                                                    that brought smile
                                                    to my face
                                                    which was on my favor.


And SHE replies HI! back. We started to talk with usual things, How are you?, What are you doing now?
How is your life and etc. It was fun to talk to her,to spend time with her and believe me i even couldn't manage time to sleep also. I was like addicted.
                                                                          Now,let me introduce HER self. I knew HER from last 5-6 years but not that much well . We've attend some class together and I've seen HER not more than a month. And after all these 5-6 years we talk.

SHE is pretty. SHE has a wonderful personality. I think if SHE wants to, SHE can have anything SHE want to get, from family, from friends , from lover etc. But when we get closer we shared our feelings and about our past also. SHE shared me HER tragedy as I did. SHE got very hurt by someone, to whom she believed like no one others and what he did??? He hurt her with everything,means with everything. she amazed me somehow , how SHE wanted to be in relation, how SHE used by, SHE told me everything. I was also getting through with some problems so i am feeling good with HER,actually i am at HER. Still i haven't told HER about my feelings but i think SHE knows. After all we've shared a lot of feelings, so SHE could understand me i think. Now I want HER to walk with me. About WALK WITH ME , i wrote down my feelings for HER.
Here it is

                                                     Past has been and gone
                                                     live like you've just born,
                                                     some people came into your life
                                                     and teaches you some lessons
                                                     m sure of that,
                                                     which you didn't wanted to experienced.

                                                     whenever you want to cry
                                                     come to me and cry,
                                                     I'll wipe all your tears.
                                                     whenever you want to fight
                                                     come to me and fight,
                                                     I'll let you win that.
                                                     For make you comfort
                                                     I'll do anything you want.
                                                     I'll show you the real love
                                                     if you really want to see,
                                                     to make the way you want it
                                                     you just need to walk with me.

                                                     Future is waiting for you
                                                     live like you're getting everything new,
                                                     may you have some dreams!
                                                     m not saying,I'll make it happen all
                                                     but i' m sure of that
                                                     i can make some of,few.
                                                     whenever you want to laugh
                                                     come to me,
                                                     I'll make you laugh.
                                                     whenever you feel alone
                                                     come to me,
                                                     I'll give you a hug.
                                                     I'll show you the real love
                                                     if you really want to see,
                                                     to make the way you want it
                                                     you just need to walk with me.

                                                                                                         That's it. I'vent showed HER this I'm waiting for a good time. Whenever she wants me to share my feelings about HER I'll let her know. Missing HER
I don't want to loose HER like her.......

Friday 29 August 2014


In a time, one couple went to a long drive.
And they enjoyed a lot as they wanted.
they were coming back, with hugging,kissing,laughing ,,,,, doing what the situation was demanding.
 A girl asks to boy
Girl; Will u gonna remember me?
Boy; I can forget everything but not u........
Girl; Ummm....what,if i wont be able to be yours?
Boy;Well..... I will thank u.
Girl; What???
Boy; Yeah I'll......... if you'll be mine may be my love stops as it is, as i do now.But if you'll not be mine I'll gonna remember you and love you for forever.If you'll make my love immortal so, I need to thank you, right?
(both r laughing) hahahahahahaha....... Just after laugh............
Suddenly they had  an accident, and both of them injured very badly.
Some other guys who was passing through the same way brought them to hospital.
One month later,
After a treatment the boy lost his memory power and girl couldn't  see any-more and couldn't speak as well. She cried a lot but the boy didn't recognized her and they got apart from each other.
After couple of  days a boy found humming this song....

               The last thing remains in my heart
               is you and your words
               you love me too.
               As i promised
               I'll never let you down
               n this i really meant.

               Even you cant see me
               I'll let you know the world
               Even you cant speak
               I'll find out what you feel
               I'll know what you want to speak.

               There wont be hard time
               at all nothing new
               because you know
               that, I LOVE YOU
               even you cant see
               even you cant speak
               I'll be yours.
               And you'll be mine
               because you know
               my everything is you
               and I LOVE YOU

               The last thing remains in heart
                is you and your words
                you love me too.
                If i can live a thousand years
                Every second I'll love you.
                The last thing remains in my heart
                is you and your words
                you love me too........ 

Wednesday 27 August 2014


Okey, let me start from beginning.
Some new guys just shifted beside 2-3  house beside my home. I really didn't care about that. Days gone as it is and one day when I was on balcony I saw her not really properly but I find her,beautiful.
And what to say every time when used to at home I constantly looking at her house with hope to see her. Times gone like this and one day she was there, may be she didn't notice me but I was very happy for that moment. I started to tease her by doing same poses what she was doing and finally she noticed me. Se smiled and she starts to tease me too, it's goes on couple of weeks. We started to talk on sign language because we didn't wanted to attract others with us.
                                                                One day she came by my house way and I was looking for her that time. I went down, I was waiting for her. She came just in front of me and she asked me my name. I told her may name, when I supposed to ask her name but she told me her name. I asked her where you up to? Se answered school. I asked her again ' if you don't mind may I come with you till the bus stop?' Se said okay, if you want. It's the first time I walked with her, I was feeling so nervous and  she starts to talk about her. When she asked me,are you in love ? I was stopped. I told her yes I am but she don't know about it,It's only one sided. Se asked me again who is she?
I smiled" you know her" . She named all name whoever she knows about and my answer was NO. Se asked me last time to name her, so i tell her 'her name'. She sought and smiled at me really???
Yeah! I don't know how but I am loving you. And I ask her for reply.
She: umm!!!! give me some time.
Me: ahhh!!! For first time to meet you I've waited a year, for answer how long do I have to wait???
We were talking constantly she just said NO. I felt bad and I asked her one favor for me, please don't turn around your head when you see me on the street or anywhere.
She: with tears on eyes, YES
Unexpected she hugged me and i feel relaxed........
We were on different world. Every morning we managed time to meet each other. That was awesome moments of my life. When she kissed me first time ufffffffffffff no words to explain. Same way time goes on, and we done our higher studies. And I went to abroad for further study. Time separate us we had a different GMT so I couldn't get in touch with her as I wanted. But I always sent her offline messages and she used to reply me but after 2 years she didn't reply me. I was keep sending her messages. Finally as I couldn't able to survive there I got a flight to home and I was so happy for that.

After another day When i get back to residence my mom(mane) talk to me about her," she got married yesterday." I was like awk........ I smiled n I talk to my heart " what now?"
I couldn't make me stayed there for a long time by the reason of her and my personal Issue also. I came here. Time has brought to me everything but there is some moments I can't forget. And for that I tried to write some lines, here it is....
Some sleepless night,
Some foodless day,
Dreaming with open eyes,
Funny sometimes,
And sometimes serious,
What is happening?
With my heart beats
It's really fast
And sometimes
I can't feel my breath.

I went to my past
By getting imaginary
And I find out
Why it's happening
It was same theory
You cat forget
Some moments
It's a sweet memory.

I saw her,
On the same way,
She smiled at me
Ad raised hand to me,
I was so frizzed
And when I got touched
My flash back crashed.
I felt bad for a moment
But now feeling good.

Someone's view
Made me happy,
Someone's smile
Made my day,
Someone's presence
Made me comfort,
Someone's touch
Made me loved.

Some sleepless nights,
Some food-less days,
Dreaming with open eyes,
Funny sometimes,
And sometimes serious
Now I know
Why it's happening .
It's a same theory
You can't forget
Some moments,
It's a SWEET MEMORY......

                                            AFTER that time every time when i thought of her that visions comes to my mind and make me feel good..............

Monday 7 July 2014


"Life" and "unpredictable" go together. If life were predictable, would it really be life? If we knew what was going to happen every day, in every moment, would we really be living? It is the unpredictability of life that makes us alive. Without unpredictability, we would be like puppets, following some predictable path.
Unpredictability & Growth
Without unpredictability, there would be no new understanding, no growth. When we try to make life predicable we cut off some of the most interesting and important experiences of our life. We cut off the possibility of real growth. Human beings try new things, seek new experiences, precisely because they are unpredictable.
Change is a law of life. Growth is a law of life. Without change we do not grow. Without the unpredictable our growth is stunted. Our greatest thinkers, scientists, inventors, and spiritual leaders embrace the unpredictable. They know the rewards to be had by venturing into unknown territory. There is no discovery without exploration. We cannot expand what is new without being open to the unknown.
For a child growing up, everything is unpredictable. Everything is unknown. That is the path of growth for all of us.
The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly
This is not to say that the unpredictable experiences in our lives are always beneficial. In every life there are unexpected disappointments and even crises; sometimes tragedies. These events are extremely negative and can shatter a life. But if we are wise, we will learn from our negative experiences as well as the positive.
If we learn from our negative experiences, even though we are still subject to the unpredictable, we can be better prepared for such future experiences. Our negative experiences can change us for the better as much as our positive experiences. Even serious illnesses, among the most negative and usually unpredictable experiences, can have a positive life-changing impact on the victim. When our life is threatened, we tend to examine our values, look at what is really important to us and what is not.
Being excessively careful not to be surprised by events simply doesn't work and it makes our life less free and enjoyable. Life is richer when we consciously open ourselves to whatever life will bring us. If we accept that life brings all colors and flavors of experience, we can be more prepared just by being open. We can accept the negative more readily when we see it as a learning opportunity, not simply a disaster to be avoided.
The attempt to control one's life too rigidly is simply a setup for the unpredictable to be be more devastating than need be. An attitude of openness and a willingness to follow impulses and hunches can be exciting and rewarding. Unpredictability is your friend!

Wednesday 4 June 2014


____________ I WAS IN LOVE WITH DEMON_________
That was a moment
in my whole life
i wanted to live along .......
that was a touch
i wanted to be touched forever............

That smiles
with glory of sunshine 
always used to be in my mind......
i can feel her
she gets away from my side...
i want to get loved
and i really need some
cause i was in love with DEMON........
she freaking me out
she makes me crazy
i want to cry loud......

m' seeing her
even,she gets away from my side
n' m' scared
wanna be with someone
i want to get loved
and i really need some
cause i was in love with DEMON.......

N' now
with all those memories
i dont wanna live along
n' i dont wanna get scared
with that ghost touch
i dont wanna see that sunshine
that makes my eyes hurt
i just wanna get loved by someone
come-on give me some.........
love with DEMON

Monday 17 March 2014


Grandpa, what you are whispering? — a boy asked, noticing that his grandfather was whispering something to himself before going to bed.
I put a thought on the Heart… — Grandfather said.
A boy was surprised:  What does it mean?
Wise grandfather told him:
I do not want to quarrel with a neighbor who let me down, but I do not know how to behave.
So I will put a thought on the Heart and go to sleep, and in the morning the Heart will tell me what to do.
And where does the Heart know it from?

The Heart knows everything, I’m learning from it all my life. And I may advise you: when looking for an answer to a difficult question, when something is not clear, put a positive thought before going to bed at the Heart, and next morning the answers will be opened for you. Just do it with faith.

Thursday 13 March 2014


Best Friends are very special people in your life. They are the first people you think about when you make plans. They are the first people you go to when you need someone to talk to. You will phone them up just to talk about nothing, or the most important things in your life. When you’re sad they will try their hardest to cheer you up. They give the best hugs in the world! They are the shoulder to cry on, because you know that they truly care about you. In most cases they would take a bullet for you, coz it would be too painful to watch you get hurt.And my best friends areTSHERING N SUREN 

Friday 7 March 2014


I miss you when something really good happens, because you're the one I want to share it with. I miss you when I laugh, because I know that you're the one who makes my laughter grow . I miss you all the time, but I miss you the most when I lie awake at night and think of all the wonderful times we talked with each other for those were some of the best memorable times of my life. 

Theres not a day that goes by with out you in my mind, Theres not a day that goes by with out me missing you by my side, Theres not a day that goes by with out me knowing how lucky i am, theres not a day that goes with out a smile on my face...Without you i wouldnt feel whole...without you i wouldnt feel love...without you my life would be incomplete...MOTI your the only one for me and i love you more today than yesterday but more tomorrow than today...My love will never stop growing for you..

I’ll reach for your hand in the cold of winter, I’ll reach for your hand in the heat of summer. But if my short life can’t reach the dawn of spring, I promise, in heaven, I’ll reach you with my wings. 

When I go to heaven and you’re not there, I’ll wait for you by the golden stair. If you’re not there by judgement day, I know you went the other way. And to prove my love is true, I’d go to hell to be with you.

Look, I guarantee there'll be tough times. I guarantee that at some time, one or both of us is gonna want to get out of this thing. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life, because I know, in my heart, you're the only one for me.

We were given: Two hands to hold. To legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find...........
Just want to say

Tuesday 4 March 2014


Friendship is one of the most precious gifts of life. A person who has true friends in life is lucky enough Friendship makes life thrilling. It makes life sweet and pleasant experience. Friendship is indeed, an asset in life. It can lead us to success or to doom. It all depends on how we choose our friends.
True friendship is a feeling of love, sharing and caring. It is a feeling that someone understands and appreciates you as you are, without any exaggeration, flattery and pretensions It gives a feeling that you are ‘wanted’ and that you are ‘someone’ and not a faceless being in the crowd. A true friend stands by you through thick and thin. True friendship knows no boundaries or demarcations of caste, creed, race and sex.
Friendship is both good and necessary. Man cannot live all alone. He is a social being. He needs someone to share his joys and sorrows. Generally, it is only the people of the same age, character and background, mentality, etc., who can understand him and understand his problems. Friends are needed for support and for sharing. Friendship is an elixir which is essential for a happy life.
They are needed to turn to when one is in trouble, and facing difficulties. According to the great Roman Statesman Cicero “Friendship increases happiness and diminishes misery by doubling our joy and dividing our grief”. Friends are needed in every stage of life. Friendship has no age limit. Every group of people- children, youth, elders, very elderly people, etc. have their friends. However, it is better to have friends of the same age group and cultural backgrounds.
We need to select our friends very carefully. We have to remember the maxim “All that glitters is not gold”. In the same manner, we must not be moved by apparent show of friendship. Many remain with us in the guise of good friends and lead us to the wrong path. Today, many youngsters have become social nuisance mainly due to wrong company and bad friends.
We spent much of our time with them. Their mental outlook, behaviour, attitudes affect us too. Therefore, we have to choose our friends very carefully. We have to distinguish between fair-weather friends and true friends. True friends remain with us through thick and thin while fair-weather friends are found only during sunny days.
Lasting friendship is indeed, a blessing. Good friends are great pillars of life. They help us to stand tall and erect in life. Friendship can make or break us. It can lead to good careers and proper living. It does not matter how often you meet your friends, but how much you care and feel for another in good times as well as in bad times. True friendship is a great asset in life.


All of us can feel happiness, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise or anger at some time but what all these words mean? They are so-called six basic emotions and are specific reactions to particular events related to biochemical (internal) and environmental (external) influences. There are more than a half of thousand different words in English that can describe every emotion and we have over that 40 muscles in our face to express them.
We feel emotions by our brain and it is really difficult for scientists to give a single accurate definition for this process. However, experts say that emotions are our mental state along with facial expressions, actions or 
physical changes. They are related to our mood, but differ from it, as they are short lived feelings with a clear object and mood is a more general feeling and lasts longer. For example, one can be happy about something or angry with somebody – this is his emotion. But another one can have a general feeling of pleasure, anxiety or sadness – this is his mood.
It is easy for us to feel emotions but it is quite complicated to study them.