Tuesday 30 September 2014


Promises require trust to make. There has to be a certain belief that this person you’re making a promise with will keep it, that this person will respect you enough and your wishes to promise to something.Promises range from keeping a secret to promising someone you will be there for them to promising to take care of them to hold your hand for a life and so many more ways. Most people will commit to promising something but never really think about what it means to actually promise something. And many people don’t keep the promise they make. But I do keep every promise I make because I believe in promises and what they mean to the person I make it with and what it means to me. Because I have experienced the damage of not keeping a promise and it’s not a thing I ever want to experience ......... 

                                                 It's a sensitive,try to keep into a heart
                                                 If you won't try to 
                                                 Make it real
                                                 Somebody will gonna hurt.

                                                 Tell the truth,whatever it is
                                                 Never try to take a safe side
                                                 With standing on a lie,
                                                 If you don't want it to happen
                                                 Don't take a vow
                                                 Once it break it
                                                 It will be gonna hard to
                                                 Believe in the promises.

                                                 Here, I'm 
                                                 It's all I'm 

                                                 Will keep you all above 
                                                 With my feelings
                                                 Can't say
                                                 I'll be a reason for your happiness
                                                 But I'll try
                                                 To never make you feel cry,
                                                 I can make you laugh
                                                 With all my nonsense,
                                                 May time will place us
                                                 On different ways,
                                                 These ways can make us
                                                 Think in different ways
                                                 Even,if you don't think of me
                                                 I'll be missing you always.
                                                 It's THE PROMISE...........
I'LL BE MISSING YOU AS DO THESE DAYS.........................................,..........MISSING YOU. :)

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