Monday 27 October 2014


Sisters are God’s way of saying, “I’m there for you, anytime”. And if you happen to have an elder sister, then you are blessed in all means. Sisters are best friends for a lifetime. No matter what and no matter where, they are always with you. Their love is unconditional and no matter what. How much you argue, she stands with you, when you need her the most.

Being elder, in all means is a great responsibility. Elder sisters play many roles to their younger ones. They are models for their siblings, strength to turn to, when you are down, a listening ear, a comforting touch, a warm hug, a guide through the toughest times, a mother, a teacher, a friend, the next door girl and what not. A perfect blend of all in one single package is what elder sisters are.

If one notices, when small she protects you from all harm and takes good care of you. As you grow, that love and care deepens and a special bond is formed. She reads you, before you tell her; you can in no way bluff with her.

She stands with you during the toughest times of your life and fights for you, even though she might be facing a tougher situation herself. She is your best friend, you could confide anything with her, and it is locked forever. She foresees danger for you, she plays with you, she joins you at pranks and jokes, yet she knows where to draw the line for you.

Even if she is not physically with you, her mental strength is always with you. Distance apart, she can sense what you are going through, even if you don’t say anything. A strong and protective person is what a sister is a great friend and companion. A comforter, the empathy that she shows when you are feeling low, and the motivation that she gives you, should be felt and not explained, as there are no words for it to be explained.

A sister could exactly tell when you were bad and good, what is that you were fighting for at childhood. She is a perfect model to be looked upon. Even with so much responsibility, she still keeps calm and has the same old smile and naughty chuckles, pats and thrashing even at 60 or 70 for you. You are still a kid for her, no matter how much you grow.

God made sisters and that too elder sisters, coz he could not be everywhere in person and has replaced it with elder sisters. Such is her strength and presence. When she is around, you are strong and when away, you feel hollow. She may correct you, shout at you , blast at you, but she is your elder sister and she loves you more than her self.

We all grow old for the onlookers, but to our siblings, we are always kids and know that we are always there for one another. The family moments, jokes and togetherness could all be taken forward only by a sister. We should live outside the touch of time and enjoy life with our sisters.

Sisters are blessings, treasure them.
I love you D.......more than you know

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