Friday 29 August 2014


In a time, one couple went to a long drive.
And they enjoyed a lot as they wanted.
they were coming back, with hugging,kissing,laughing ,,,,, doing what the situation was demanding.
 A girl asks to boy
Girl; Will u gonna remember me?
Boy; I can forget everything but not u........
Girl; Ummm....what,if i wont be able to be yours?
Boy;Well..... I will thank u.
Girl; What???
Boy; Yeah I'll......... if you'll be mine may be my love stops as it is, as i do now.But if you'll not be mine I'll gonna remember you and love you for forever.If you'll make my love immortal so, I need to thank you, right?
(both r laughing) hahahahahahaha....... Just after laugh............
Suddenly they had  an accident, and both of them injured very badly.
Some other guys who was passing through the same way brought them to hospital.
One month later,
After a treatment the boy lost his memory power and girl couldn't  see any-more and couldn't speak as well. She cried a lot but the boy didn't recognized her and they got apart from each other.
After couple of  days a boy found humming this song....

               The last thing remains in my heart
               is you and your words
               you love me too.
               As i promised
               I'll never let you down
               n this i really meant.

               Even you cant see me
               I'll let you know the world
               Even you cant speak
               I'll find out what you feel
               I'll know what you want to speak.

               There wont be hard time
               at all nothing new
               because you know
               that, I LOVE YOU
               even you cant see
               even you cant speak
               I'll be yours.
               And you'll be mine
               because you know
               my everything is you
               and I LOVE YOU

               The last thing remains in heart
                is you and your words
                you love me too.
                If i can live a thousand years
                Every second I'll love you.
                The last thing remains in my heart
                is you and your words
                you love me too........ 

Wednesday 27 August 2014


Okey, let me start from beginning.
Some new guys just shifted beside 2-3  house beside my home. I really didn't care about that. Days gone as it is and one day when I was on balcony I saw her not really properly but I find her,beautiful.
And what to say every time when used to at home I constantly looking at her house with hope to see her. Times gone like this and one day she was there, may be she didn't notice me but I was very happy for that moment. I started to tease her by doing same poses what she was doing and finally she noticed me. Se smiled and she starts to tease me too, it's goes on couple of weeks. We started to talk on sign language because we didn't wanted to attract others with us.
                                                                One day she came by my house way and I was looking for her that time. I went down, I was waiting for her. She came just in front of me and she asked me my name. I told her may name, when I supposed to ask her name but she told me her name. I asked her where you up to? Se answered school. I asked her again ' if you don't mind may I come with you till the bus stop?' Se said okay, if you want. It's the first time I walked with her, I was feeling so nervous and  she starts to talk about her. When she asked me,are you in love ? I was stopped. I told her yes I am but she don't know about it,It's only one sided. Se asked me again who is she?
I smiled" you know her" . She named all name whoever she knows about and my answer was NO. Se asked me last time to name her, so i tell her 'her name'. She sought and smiled at me really???
Yeah! I don't know how but I am loving you. And I ask her for reply.
She: umm!!!! give me some time.
Me: ahhh!!! For first time to meet you I've waited a year, for answer how long do I have to wait???
We were talking constantly she just said NO. I felt bad and I asked her one favor for me, please don't turn around your head when you see me on the street or anywhere.
She: with tears on eyes, YES
Unexpected she hugged me and i feel relaxed........
We were on different world. Every morning we managed time to meet each other. That was awesome moments of my life. When she kissed me first time ufffffffffffff no words to explain. Same way time goes on, and we done our higher studies. And I went to abroad for further study. Time separate us we had a different GMT so I couldn't get in touch with her as I wanted. But I always sent her offline messages and she used to reply me but after 2 years she didn't reply me. I was keep sending her messages. Finally as I couldn't able to survive there I got a flight to home and I was so happy for that.

After another day When i get back to residence my mom(mane) talk to me about her," she got married yesterday." I was like awk........ I smiled n I talk to my heart " what now?"
I couldn't make me stayed there for a long time by the reason of her and my personal Issue also. I came here. Time has brought to me everything but there is some moments I can't forget. And for that I tried to write some lines, here it is....
Some sleepless night,
Some foodless day,
Dreaming with open eyes,
Funny sometimes,
And sometimes serious,
What is happening?
With my heart beats
It's really fast
And sometimes
I can't feel my breath.

I went to my past
By getting imaginary
And I find out
Why it's happening
It was same theory
You cat forget
Some moments
It's a sweet memory.

I saw her,
On the same way,
She smiled at me
Ad raised hand to me,
I was so frizzed
And when I got touched
My flash back crashed.
I felt bad for a moment
But now feeling good.

Someone's view
Made me happy,
Someone's smile
Made my day,
Someone's presence
Made me comfort,
Someone's touch
Made me loved.

Some sleepless nights,
Some food-less days,
Dreaming with open eyes,
Funny sometimes,
And sometimes serious
Now I know
Why it's happening .
It's a same theory
You can't forget
Some moments,
It's a SWEET MEMORY......

                                            AFTER that time every time when i thought of her that visions comes to my mind and make me feel good..............