Monday 17 March 2014


Grandpa, what you are whispering? — a boy asked, noticing that his grandfather was whispering something to himself before going to bed.
I put a thought on the Heart… — Grandfather said.
A boy was surprised:  What does it mean?
Wise grandfather told him:
I do not want to quarrel with a neighbor who let me down, but I do not know how to behave.
So I will put a thought on the Heart and go to sleep, and in the morning the Heart will tell me what to do.
And where does the Heart know it from?

The Heart knows everything, I’m learning from it all my life. And I may advise you: when looking for an answer to a difficult question, when something is not clear, put a positive thought before going to bed at the Heart, and next morning the answers will be opened for you. Just do it with faith.

Thursday 13 March 2014


Best Friends are very special people in your life. They are the first people you think about when you make plans. They are the first people you go to when you need someone to talk to. You will phone them up just to talk about nothing, or the most important things in your life. When you’re sad they will try their hardest to cheer you up. They give the best hugs in the world! They are the shoulder to cry on, because you know that they truly care about you. In most cases they would take a bullet for you, coz it would be too painful to watch you get hurt.And my best friends areTSHERING N SUREN 

Friday 7 March 2014


I miss you when something really good happens, because you're the one I want to share it with. I miss you when I laugh, because I know that you're the one who makes my laughter grow . I miss you all the time, but I miss you the most when I lie awake at night and think of all the wonderful times we talked with each other for those were some of the best memorable times of my life. 

Theres not a day that goes by with out you in my mind, Theres not a day that goes by with out me missing you by my side, Theres not a day that goes by with out me knowing how lucky i am, theres not a day that goes with out a smile on my face...Without you i wouldnt feel whole...without you i wouldnt feel love...without you my life would be incomplete...MOTI your the only one for me and i love you more today than yesterday but more tomorrow than today...My love will never stop growing for you..

I’ll reach for your hand in the cold of winter, I’ll reach for your hand in the heat of summer. But if my short life can’t reach the dawn of spring, I promise, in heaven, I’ll reach you with my wings. 

When I go to heaven and you’re not there, I’ll wait for you by the golden stair. If you’re not there by judgement day, I know you went the other way. And to prove my love is true, I’d go to hell to be with you.

Look, I guarantee there'll be tough times. I guarantee that at some time, one or both of us is gonna want to get out of this thing. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life, because I know, in my heart, you're the only one for me.

We were given: Two hands to hold. To legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find...........
Just want to say

Tuesday 4 March 2014


Friendship is one of the most precious gifts of life. A person who has true friends in life is lucky enough Friendship makes life thrilling. It makes life sweet and pleasant experience. Friendship is indeed, an asset in life. It can lead us to success or to doom. It all depends on how we choose our friends.
True friendship is a feeling of love, sharing and caring. It is a feeling that someone understands and appreciates you as you are, without any exaggeration, flattery and pretensions It gives a feeling that you are ‘wanted’ and that you are ‘someone’ and not a faceless being in the crowd. A true friend stands by you through thick and thin. True friendship knows no boundaries or demarcations of caste, creed, race and sex.
Friendship is both good and necessary. Man cannot live all alone. He is a social being. He needs someone to share his joys and sorrows. Generally, it is only the people of the same age, character and background, mentality, etc., who can understand him and understand his problems. Friends are needed for support and for sharing. Friendship is an elixir which is essential for a happy life.
They are needed to turn to when one is in trouble, and facing difficulties. According to the great Roman Statesman Cicero “Friendship increases happiness and diminishes misery by doubling our joy and dividing our grief”. Friends are needed in every stage of life. Friendship has no age limit. Every group of people- children, youth, elders, very elderly people, etc. have their friends. However, it is better to have friends of the same age group and cultural backgrounds.
We need to select our friends very carefully. We have to remember the maxim “All that glitters is not gold”. In the same manner, we must not be moved by apparent show of friendship. Many remain with us in the guise of good friends and lead us to the wrong path. Today, many youngsters have become social nuisance mainly due to wrong company and bad friends.
We spent much of our time with them. Their mental outlook, behaviour, attitudes affect us too. Therefore, we have to choose our friends very carefully. We have to distinguish between fair-weather friends and true friends. True friends remain with us through thick and thin while fair-weather friends are found only during sunny days.
Lasting friendship is indeed, a blessing. Good friends are great pillars of life. They help us to stand tall and erect in life. Friendship can make or break us. It can lead to good careers and proper living. It does not matter how often you meet your friends, but how much you care and feel for another in good times as well as in bad times. True friendship is a great asset in life.


All of us can feel happiness, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise or anger at some time but what all these words mean? They are so-called six basic emotions and are specific reactions to particular events related to biochemical (internal) and environmental (external) influences. There are more than a half of thousand different words in English that can describe every emotion and we have over that 40 muscles in our face to express them.
We feel emotions by our brain and it is really difficult for scientists to give a single accurate definition for this process. However, experts say that emotions are our mental state along with facial expressions, actions or 
physical changes. They are related to our mood, but differ from it, as they are short lived feelings with a clear object and mood is a more general feeling and lasts longer. For example, one can be happy about something or angry with somebody – this is his emotion. But another one can have a general feeling of pleasure, anxiety or sadness – this is his mood.
It is easy for us to feel emotions but it is quite complicated to study them.